Latin America
MCSP Zika Pregnancy Wheel--SPANISH
Job Aid from MCSP/Jhpiego
The MCSP Zika Pregnancy Wheel can help providers to recall important components of counseling for women at risk for Zika virus infection in pregnancy, as well as to estimate gestational age and estimated date of delivery

MCSP Zika Pregnancy Wheel--PORTUGUESE
Job Aid from Jhpiego
The MCSP Zika Pregnancy Wheel can help providers to recall important components of counseling for women at risk for Zika virus infection in pregnancy, as well as to estimate gestational age and estimated date of delivery

Prevention of Zika Virus Infection: Key Points for Counseling Women of Reproductive Age
Job Aid from Jhpiego, MCSP
This brief summarizes key points to include when counseling women of reproductive age on prevention of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection.

Zika Action Guide for Health Ministers
Job Aid, Other training resource from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
This guide is directed toward ministers of health providing community-centered messaging and activities related to zika prevention through family planning.

Health Ministers Guide on Zika
Other training resource from US Department of Health and Human Services
Overview of Zika prevention, transmission, treatment, and Microcephaly directed toward Ministers of Health. Messaging is also focused on women, families and parents.

Managing Severe Infection in Newborns
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video reviews 5 key signs of severe infection in newborns, and provides 2015 WHO treatment guidelines when referral is possible and when it is not.

Home Visit for the Newborn
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows important features of a home visit for a newborn in the week after birth, focusing on care and assessment.

Giving an Intramuscular Injection
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to safely draw up and give an intramuscular injection to a young baby.

Preparing Ampicillin and Gentamicin for Injection
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to prepare and draw up ampicillin and gentamicin for injection for a young baby.

Preparing and Giving Oral Amoxicillin
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to prepare amoxicillin correctly and some helpful tips for giving it to the young baby.

Chlorhexidine for Newborn Cord Care
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to apply chlorhexidine gel to the cord stump.

Care of the Cord
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to care for the cord of the newborn.

Taking a venous blood sample
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to draw blood from a baby in 3 different ways: with a needle, with a syringe and needle, and with a butterfly.

Eye Infections
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to identify and manage eye infections in the young baby.

Keeping the Baby Warm
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows ways to protect the baby from becoming too cold or too hot during the first days of life.

Examining the Placenta
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film teaches how to examine the placenta for any missing pieces.

Giving Good Care During Labor
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows ways to help a laboring woman and contribute to a feeling of trust.

Feeding with a Gastric Tube
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows the correct and safe way to feed a baby with a gastric tube. It highlights involving the mother and features a chart that shows the volume of milk to give at each feeding according to the day ...

Breathing Problems
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows how to evaluate a baby with a breathing problem. It includes footage of rapid breathing, chest in-drawing, and nasal flaring. It advises to give these babies oxygen if possible and refer them to a higher-level facility.

The Position of the Baby
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film demonstrates how to feel where the baby is within the uterus and how to measure the station of the baby.