Pneumonia Education - African French - Health Worker Flier
From: Abt Associates, Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, UNICEF, USAID
This [MATERIAL TYPE] is a part of the Every Breath Counts communications campaign developed by he UN Diarrhea and Pneumonia Working Group, and led by the Clinton Health Access Institute, McCann Global Health, USAID, UNICEF, and Abt Associates.
The Every Breath Counts communications campaign is designed to educate caregivers and frontline health workers about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of pneumonia in the most at-risk countries. The campaign is all open-source, allowing for materials to be adapted to local needs and contexts, and is available in three versions--African, African (Muslim), and Asian. All campaign materials were extensively researched and tested for clarity and relatability across nine countries: Bangladesh, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda.
For more information about this campaign, please visit
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Attribution: UN Diarrhea and Pneumonia Working Group 2016
Resource uploaded by Alexis Reid (June 20, 2016, 9:42 p.m.) and last updated by Alex Little (March 27, 2017, 7:23 a.m.)
Resource viewed 310 times