Helping Mothers Survive
Helping Mothers Survive: Bleeding after Birth Complete (HMS BABC)
Job Aid from Jhpiego
Bleeding after Birth Complete (BABC) is a two-day learning module designed to reduce maternal deaths caused by post-partum hemorrhage. The module builds capacity of the entire team of providers who give care for women and newborns at birth. With BABC, skills ...

Helping Mothers Survive: Pre-eclampsia & Eclampsia (HMS PE&E)
Other training resource from Jhpiego
Helping Mothers Survive Pre-eclampsia & Eclampsia (HMS PE&E) is a learning module designed to address the second leading cause of maternal death globally, pre-eclampsia & eclampsia. It is designed to be delivered at the facility level using hands on skills ...

Helping Mothers Survive: Threatened Preterm Birth Care (HMS TPTBC)
Other training resource from Jhpiego
Helping Mothers Survive Threated Preterm Birth Care (HMS TPTBC) is a learning module focused on improving outcomes for newborns at risk of premature birth. This two-day course is designed for teams of health workers who provide care for women and ...