Age appropriate complementary feeding for babies 6 to 24 months
Video from Digital Green
In this video we have discussed about the quantity and diversity of complementary food to be given to the babies from 6 to 24 months. This is an important phase of the first 1000 days. The quantity of the food ...
Introduction of complementary feeding for the baby after 6 months
Video from Digital Green
This video accentuates the importance of introducing complementary food right after completion of six months while continuing to breastfeed the baby. The initial phase of 10 to 12 days when complementary feeding is introduced is very crucial, caregivers needs to ...
Managing exclusive breastfeeding by working mothers
Video from Digital Green
In this video we have discussed how a working mother can work and still continue to exclusively breastfeed her baby who is less than six months of age. This is an important phase of the first 1000 days. The main ...
Importance of exclusive breastfeeding
Video from Digital Green
In this video we have discussed about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. The second phase of the first 1000 days starts after the birth of the baby till 6 months which is 181 days. Breast milk is a complete food ...
Maternal diet during pregnancy and food taboos
Video from Digital Green
This video is about importance of nutritious food during pregnancy and addressing the food taboos. Pregnancy is the first phase of the first 1000 days. By eating nutritious diet the mother will be healthy and also give birth to a ...
Importance of iron folic acid tablet
Video from Digital Green
This video is about the importance of consuming Iron Folic Acid (IFA) tablets by pregnant women and adolescent girls. This video also addresses the age old taboo associated with consuming IFA tablets by pregnant woman in the community. It also ...
Importance of first 1000 days
Video from Digital Green
The video is about importance of the first 1000 days which starts from pregnancy till 2 years after birth. It is the most significant phase in the life of a child as most of the physical and mental development occurs ...
Benefits of handwashing with soap
Video from Digital Green
This video is about the benefits of handwashing with soap. Emphasis has been given on the importance of washing hands with soap using clean and running water as it minimizes the risk of infection. There is also discussion about the ...
Preventing diarrhea
Video from Digital Green
This video is describing about diarrhea, causes of diarrhea, symptoms and how to protect our child from diarrhea. This video provides information on preparation and use of Oral rehydration solution and Zinc Tablet during diarrhea and its importance.
Balanced Diet for Children
Video from Digital Green
video describes the components of a balanced diet. Balance diets have all type of food content which is required for body. We can divide food stuff into 3 major groups on the basis of body requirement -- A). Food that ...
Complementary feeding for children aged 12 to 24 months
Video from Digital Green
This video provides basic information about complementary feeding for infants 1 to 2 years. The message of this video aims to provide mothers with the correct number of feeds, when to initiate complementary feeding, and proper IYCF practices.
Complementary feeding for children aged 6 to 12 months
Video from Digital Green
This video provides basic information about complementary feeding for infants 0 to 6 month & 6 to 12 month. The message of this video aims to provide mothers with the correct number of feeds, when to initiate complementary feeding, and ...
Importance of breastfeeding
Video from Digital Green
The video is describing breast feeding and its importance i.e. Timely initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six month for child, start complementary feeding immediate after six months, active feeding during & after illness. This video also explaining ...
Video from Medical Aid Films
Women of child bearing age, infants and young children are the most nutritionally vulnerable. Bringing knowledge of methods to improve diet to both health workers and the communities can save lives and prevent illness and stunting.There are currently 3 films ...
What and when to feed your child
Video from Medical Aid Films
Women of child bearing age, infants and young children are the most nutritionally vulnerable. Bringing knowledge of methods to improve diet to both health workers and the communities can save lives and prevent illness and stunting.There are currently 3 films ...
What pregnant women need to eat
Video from Medical Aid Films
Women of child bearing age, infants and young children are the most nutritionally vulnerable. Bringing knowledge of methods to improve diet to both health workers and the communities can save lives and prevent illness and stunting. There are currently 3 ...
Course from Digital Campus
This course highlights the importance of a balanced and healthy nutrition as an essential requirement for a healthy and productive life. Achievement of Millennium Development Goal 1 (Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015) is crucial for socioeconomic progress ...
Initiation of Breastfeeding by Breast Crawl
Video from HealthPhone
Every newborn, when placed on the mother's abdomen, soon after birth, has the ability to find its mother's breast all on its own and to decide when to take the first breastfeed. This is called the 'Breast Crawl'. UNICEF, WHO ...
Child Malnutrition - What? How? And when to Refer
Video from iHeed
A detailed animation describing Child Malnutrition, focusing on the types, causes, signs and when a health worker should refer. The animation highlights how to measure mid upper arm circumference, and spot other signs of malnutrition. Worldwide, malnutrition affects one in ...