Maternal diet during pregnancy and food taboos

From: Digital Green

Maternal diet during pregnancy and food taboos

This video is about importance of nutritious food during pregnancy and addressing the food taboos. Pregnancy is the first phase of the first 1000 days. By eating nutritious diet the mother will be healthy and also give birth to a healthy baby. Eating an extra meal a day to meet the energy requirement during this phase has also been emphasized in this video. This video also highlights about the type of food a pregnant woman should eat like animal source food at least weekly 2 to 3 times and seasonal ripe fruits which the pregnant women usually avoids in rural areas during pregnancy. These food taboos have also been addressed in this video.

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Resource uploaded by Digital Green API User (May 21, 2015, 10:21 p.m.) and last updated by Digital Green API User (March 27, 2017, 7:24 a.m.)

Resource viewed 437 times