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Health Management, Ethics and Research
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
The Health Management, Ethics and Research Module brings together three important aspects of your work that underpin the practical activities described in the other Modules of the programme. There are 16 study sessions in this Module covering health management, healthcare ethics and ...

Urban Water Supply
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
This Module focuses on water service delivery in urban settings, including water supply from large utility companies, access points within a town, tariff setting, cost recovery, regulation and management. It considers the challenges for WASH provision in areas of high-density ...

Urban WASH: Working with People
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
New WASH services are far more likely to be effective and sustainable if the people using the services are able to participate in, or at least be aware of, their planning, design and management. This Module is designed to provide ...

Urban Sanitation and Solid Waste Management
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
Improved sanitation has proven benefits for human health, quality of life and poverty reduction. It is important for WASH practitioners to understand the drivers and barriers to sanitation in any given context to best serve communities and users. This Module ...

WASH: Context and Environment
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
Appreciation of the context for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services is necessary if those services are to be effective and long lasting. This Module provides essential background to WASH by explaining broader topical issues such as sustainability, resilience, population ...

Hygiene and Environmental Health
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
This course provides first the theoretical basis, and then the practices on good hygiene and pro-environmental behaviour that are applicable at village level.

Steps to a Normal Delivery
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film is an adaptation of our original 'Safe delivery' film with added voiceover.

Focused Antenatal Care (FANC) Community Education
Video from Medical Aid Films
It is vital that a woman attends and receives ante-natal care, to help ensure that her pregnancy results in the delivery of a healthy baby without impairing the mother’s health. The film describes the 4 standard antenatal visits (FANC, introduced ...

How to Care for a newborn (full length)
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film teaches the key steps to follow immediately after the delivery of a newborn in case it could not take place at a health centre. It insists on the importance of drying the baby and of early breastfeeding and ...

Management of PPH - Low Resource Setting
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film is intended for training Traditional Birth Attendants, community health workers and the general community on how to manage PPH when skilled health care is not available and they are therefore delivering outside of a health centre, but within ...

Warning Signs in Pregnancy
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film aims to educate community members about the warning signs in pregnancy that they should be aware of, and the checks they should carry out, so that skilled obstetric care can be sought out as soon as possible in ...

Family Planning
Course from Digital Campus
The role of health professionals in balancing population growth with socioeconomic development is immense and only possible by using family planning as a principle and different contraceptive methods as tools. As a health worker, you can contribute to balanced population ...

Postnatal Care
Course from Digital Campus
This course is designed to teach you the basic information and skills to give immediate postnatal care to the mother and newborn, and to extend the awareness of effective postnatal care to others in the home and in the community ...

Course from Digital Campus
This course highlights the importance of a balanced and healthy nutrition as an essential requirement for a healthy and productive life. Achievement of Millennium Development Goal 1 (Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015) is crucial for socioeconomic progress ...

Labor and Delivery Care
Course from Digital Campus
This course will equip you with the basic principles and practice of labour and delivery care at health post and home level.This course is part of the Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Health approved upgrade training program for Health Extension Workers.

Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses
Course from Digital Campus
The IMNCI course, together with Antenatal Care, Labour and Delivery Care and Postnatal Care, provides a knowledge-base for many of the critical health services that Health Workers deliver for infants and children and their families. Children who come to your ...

Course from Digital Campus
This course contains clear guidelines on how to conduct all important immunization activities. Much of the credit for successful immunization campaigns is due to the activities of health professionals. The health worker has a big part to play in protecting ...

Antenatal Care
Course from Digital Campus, Open University
The goal of antenatal care is to have a healthy mother and baby by monitoring the well-being of both the woman and the fetus during pregnancy, and helping them make a smooth transition to labour and delivery. This course will ...

Adolescent and Youth Reproductive Health
Course from Digital Campus
In this course you will learn about changes during adolescence and why it is important to deal with adolescents' reproductive health problems, factors affecting adolescents' risk-taking behaviours and its consequences and the importance of raising awareness about adolescent reproductive health ...