Health Management, Ethics and Research
From: Digital Campus, Open University

The Health Management, Ethics and Research Module brings together three important aspects of your work that underpin the practical activities described in the other Modules of the programme. There are 16 study sessions in this Module covering health management, healthcare ethics and health research.
Some people think of management as the responsibility of senior personnel in an organisation; we may think of the ‘boss’ as the manager. In practice, management is a fundamental part of many jobs, including yours as a Health Extension Worker or Practitioner. You need to plan and organise your work and the activities at your Health Post. You will be coordinating and leading volunteers from your community. You will be implementing health programmes and monitoring their outcomes. All these are aspects of management and they are described and explained in this Module.
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Resource uploaded by Alex Little (Jan. 30, 2018, 10:22 a.m.) and last updated by Alex Little (Jan. 30, 2018, 10:33 a.m.)
Resource viewed 690 times