maternal health
Maternal, infant and young child nutrition mobile content: Uganda
Audio, Job Aid, Other training resource from British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, CABI, DFID, GAIN, GSMA, ILRI, OXFAM
With funding from UK aid, the GSMA developed the nutrition content together with its global content partners consisting of five different organisations: ILRI, OXFAM, GAIN, CABI and British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Local content partners (LCPs) developed nutrition ...

Maternal, infant and young child nutrition mobile content: Tanzania
Audio, Job Aid, Other training resource from British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, CABI, DFID, GAIN, GSMA, ILRI, OXFAM
With funding from UK aid, the GSMA developed the nutrition content together with its global content partners consisting of five different organisations: ILRI, OXFAM, GAIN, CABI and British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Local content partners (LCPs) developed nutrition ...

Maternal, infant and young child nutrition mobile content: Malawi
Audio, Job Aid, Other training resource from British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, CABI, DFID, GAIN, GSMA, ILRI, OXFAM
With funding from UK aid, the GSMA developed the nutrition content together with its global content partners consisting of five different organisations: ILRI, OXFAM, GAIN, CABI and British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Local content partners (LCPs) developed nutrition ...

Obstructed Labour: An Introduction for Midwives
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film explains what obstructed labour is, how it can be identified and managed. This film is for use in midwife training

A Training Film for Fistula Nurses
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film shows how to care for patients before and after surgery for obstetric fistula. It covers four key areas in pre and post-operative care: advocacy, detection, intervention and communication. This film is for use in nurse training

Timed and Targeted Counseling for prevention of Zika, dengue and chikungunya at the household level
Job Aid, Other training resource from World Vision International
The Timed and Targeted Counselling approach (TTC), is an approach World Vision implements in collaboration with national and district health authorities, conducted by community health volunteers including Mother Guides, CHWs and community agents. TTC promotes behaviour change at the individual and ...