Timed and Targeted Counseling for prevention of Zika, dengue and chikungunya at the household level

From: World Vision International

Timed and Targeted Counseling for prevention of Zika, dengue and chikungunya at the household level

The Timed and Targeted Counselling approach (TTC), is an approach World Vision implements in collaboration with national and district health authorities, conducted by community health volunteers including Mother Guides, CHWs and community agents. TTC promotes behaviour change at the individual and family level for maternal, neonatal and child health (from early pregnancy to 24 months of age), and has been rolled out in over 23 countries globally including Latin America, specifically Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. With the emergence of the Zika epidemic, World Vision’s epidemic response has prioritised 5 countries (Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras). This material addresses Zika, dengue and chikungunya, ensuring key health information and household practices for the prevention of these diseases is integrated into existing community initiatives for maternal and child health. These resources are available in Spanish, and may serve as an ‘addendum’ to the existing TTC Spanish materials (http://www.wvi.org/ttc-resources-spanish), or used seperately. 

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Attribution: To adapt or use this materials for your contexts please contact health@wvi.org

Resource uploaded by Polly Walker (July 28, 2016, 9:07 a.m.) and last updated by Alex Kellerstrass (Sept. 20, 2017, 6:56 p.m.)

Resource viewed 204 times