Labor & Delivery
Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
This course describes the contribution of postpartum hemorrhage to maternal mortality around the world and discusses the causes of PPH. Focus on strategies to prevent PPH with special attention on active management of third stage of labor. Course content was ...

Postpartum Care
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
This course orients learners to the postpartum period and recommended care while recognizing realities in the field. An estimated 70% of women in developing countries do not receive postpartum care. This course discusses strategies to prevent postpartum mortality and morbidity ...

Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
Every year more than 700,000 children are infected with HIV. The most common route of HIV transmission for newborns and infants is mother-to-child transmission (MTCT). This course discusses the magnitude of the problem and the method of transmission from mother ...

Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
Course from Global Health eLearning Center
The course is aimed at those individuals involved in planning for, implementing, and evaluating essential obstetric and newborn care (EONC) programs. EONC encompasses all care that is provided during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the postpartum period to prevent and manage ...

Birth Preparedness
Video from Digital Green
What are the things to be kept in mind while preparing for childbirth so that the mother and child are safe and healthy.

Primary Maternal Care
Course from Bettercare
Primary Maternal Care is for midwives and doctors in level 1 hospitals and clinics who provide antenatal and postnatal care, but do not conduct deliveries. It is adapted from theory chapters and skills workshops from [*Maternal Care*](, and complements the ...

Maternal Mental Health
Course from Bettercare
Maternal Mental Health demystifies maternal mental distress and mental illness and provides a clear guide to supporting mental health in the perinatal period. This course equips healthcare workers with the tools they need to provide essential perinatal mental health care. ...

Birth Defects
Course from Bettercare
Birth Defects is for those who work with patients with birth defects. It covers modes of inheritance, medical genetic counselling, birth defects due to chromosomal abnormalities, single gene defects, teratogens and multifactorial inheritance.

Care of the Cord
Video from Global Health Media Project
This video shows how to care for the cord of the newborn.

Examining the Placenta
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film teaches how to examine the placenta for any missing pieces.

Giving Good Care During Labor
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows ways to help a laboring woman and contribute to a feeling of trust.

Breathing Problems
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows how to evaluate a baby with a breathing problem. It includes footage of rapid breathing, chest in-drawing, and nasal flaring. It advises to give these babies oxygen if possible and refer them to a higher-level facility.

The Position of the Baby
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film demonstrates how to feel where the baby is within the uterus and how to measure the station of the baby.

Danger Signs in Newborns
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film features 8 major danger signs that will help health workers with early recognition of serious newborn problems–key to getting timely care and saving babies’ lives.

Preparing the Birth Room
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows the supplies to have ready to prepare for a birth.

Warning Signs in Newborns
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film features 10 major warning signs that will help families with early recognition of serious newborn problems–key to getting timely care and saving babies’ lives.

Umbilical Infections
Video from Global Health Media Project
This film shows how to evaluate the baby with an umbilical infection, how to differentiate a mild infection from a severe one, and how to treat the mild case and refer all severe cases to a higher-level facility.

Steps to a Normal Delivery
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film is an adaptation of our original 'Safe delivery' film with added voiceover.

Respectful Maternity Care
Video from Medical Aid Films
The film highlights seven points in White Ribbon Alliance’s Universal Rights of Childbearing Women Charter, and will be used as part of a Respectful Maternity Care package developed to ensure engagement and support for healthcare providers to provide Respectful Maternity ...

Caesarean Section - Module 1 - Introduction and Preparation for Surgery
Video from Medical Aid Films
This film is an introduction to the topic, and is followed by five more modules which cover surgery, complications and post-operative care. A series of six modular films has been made so that medical staff involved in maternity care can ...