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Setting Up an IV Line

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the procedure to set up a micro-dropper IV giving set.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 3 mins 3 mins

Skin Infection

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows a baby with a mild skin infection and how to treat it, and how to determine if a baby has a severe skin infection and needs referral (or, in cases where there is no referral option, how ...

Africa Asia Global Latin America English French Spanish Swahili
Study time: 6 mins 6 mins

Taking a Heel Blood Sample

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows how to take a small sample of blood for lab tests from the side of the heel of a baby.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 3 mins 3 mins

The Cold Baby

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the baby with a low body temperature: how to examine the baby, warm the baby, and determine if the baby is sick and needs referral (or, in cases where there is no referral option, how to treat ...

Africa Asia Global Latin America English French Spanish Swahili
Study time: 6 mins 6 mins

Home Visit for Mother and Newborn

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the important features of a home visit during the first week of life, integrating care of the baby and mother.

Africa Asia Global Latin America English French Spanish Swahili
Study time: 8 mins 8 mins

The Hot Baby

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the baby with a high body temperature: how to examine the baby, cool the baby, and determine if the baby is sick and needs referral (or, in cases where there is no referral option, how to treat ...

Africa Asia Global Latin America English French Spanish Swahili
Study time: 6 mins 6 mins


Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows what thrush looks like and how to treat it with two options: gentian violet and nystatin.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 3 mins 3 mins

Newborn Physical Exam

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film demonstrates a newborn physical exam. It shows 3 parts: observation, vital signs, and the head-to-toe exam. It also shows normal variations and abnormal findings.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 8 mins 8 mins

Preparing Injectable Medicines

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows how to use a dosing guideline and how to prepare and draw up two commonly used antibiotics, ampicillin and gentamicin.

Africa Global Asia Latin America English French Spanish
Study time: 7 mins 7 mins

Preparing Oral Medicines

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows how to use a dosing guideline and how to prepare an oral suspension, along with tips for giving medicine by mouth to a young baby.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Spanish
Study time: 8 mins 8 mins

Preparing the Birth Room

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the supplies to have ready to prepare for a birth.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 5 mins 5 mins

Referring a Sick Baby

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows the essential features of a referral process. It covers involving the family, arranging transport, preparing the baby for the journey, and writing the referral note. It also includes what to do if referral is not an option.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Swahili Spanish
Study time: 5 mins 5 mins

Warning Signs in Newborns

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film features 10 major warning signs that will help families with early recognition of serious newborn problems–key to getting timely care and saving babies’ lives.

Africa Asia Latin America Global English French Spanish
Study time: 9 mins 9 mins

Umbilical Infections

Video from Global Health Media Project

This film shows how to evaluate the baby with an umbilical infection, how to differentiate a mild infection from a severe one, and how to treat the mild case and refer all severe cases to a higher-level facility.

Africa Asia Global Latin America English French Spanish Swahili
Study time: 7 mins 7 mins

Steps to a Normal Delivery

Video from Medical Aid Films

This film is an adaptation of our original 'Safe delivery' film with added voiceover.

Africa Ethiopia Global Amharic English French Portuguese Swahili
Study time: 6 mins 6 mins

Respectful Maternity Care

Video from Medical Aid Films

The film highlights seven points in White Ribbon Alliance’s Universal Rights of Childbearing Women Charter, and will be used as part of a Respectful Maternity Care package developed to ensure engagement and support for healthcare providers to provide Respectful Maternity ...

Africa Global Nigeria English French Swahili Yoruba Hausa
Study time: 7 mins 7 mins

Caesarean Section - Module 1 - Introduction and Preparation for Surgery

Video from Medical Aid Films

This film is an introduction to the topic, and is followed by five more modules which cover surgery, complications and post-operative care. A series of six modular films has been made so that medical staff involved in maternity care can ...

Global Africa Somalia English French Swahili Somali
Study time: 8 mins 8 mins

How to use the ultrasound probe

Video from Medical Aid Films

Learning the orientation of the ultrasound probe is considered to be the most challenging part of learning to scan. This animation is used in conjunction with other formal training to improve the proficiency, uptake and understanding of scanning.

Africa Global Somalia English French Portuguese Somali Swahili
Study time: 13 mins 13 mins

Prevention and Management of PPH

Video from Medical Aid Films

PPH, or excessive bleeding after delivery, accounts for a third of all maternal deaths in sub-Saharan Africa, although it is widely preventable and treatable. This film reinforces how to both prevent and manage a PPH in the most common of ...

Africa Global Nigeria Somalia English French Hausa Portuguese Somali Yoruba
Study time: 22 mins 22 mins

Neonatal Resuscitation

Video from Medical Aid Films

Birth asphyxia is responsible for a quarter of all perinatal deaths, and immediate care of the newborn is vital to ensuring its survival and ongoing health. This film demonstrates correct delivery and care of a newborn and how to resuscitate ...

Africa Global Nigeria English French Yoruba Hausa
Study time: 20 mins 20 mins