Child Health

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What and when to feed your child

Video from Medical Aid Films

Women of child bearing age, infants and young children are the most nutritionally vulnerable. Bringing knowledge of methods to improve diet to both health workers and the communities can save lives and prevent illness and stunting.There are currently 3 films ...

Global Africa Somalia Zambia Uganda English Swahili Somali Bemba Luganda
Study time: 14 mins 14 mins


Course from Digital Campus

This course highlights the importance of a balanced and healthy nutrition as an essential requirement for a healthy and productive life. Achievement of Millennium Development Goal 1 (Eradication of Extreme Poverty and Hunger by 2015) is crucial for socioeconomic progress ...

Africa Global Ethiopia English
Study time: 20 hours 20 hours

Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses

Course from Digital Campus

The IMNCI course, together with Antenatal Care, Labour and Delivery Care and Postnatal Care, provides a knowledge-base for many of the critical health services that Health Workers deliver for infants and children and their families. Children who come to your ...

Africa Global Ethiopia English
Study time: 40 hours 40 hours


Course from Digital Campus

This course contains clear guidelines on how to conduct all important immunization activities. Much of the credit for successful immunization campaigns is due to the activities of health professionals. The health worker has a big part to play in protecting ...

Africa Global Ethiopia English
Study time: 20 hours 20 hours

Diarrhoea Management: Pre Test/Post Test for Skilled Providers

Job Aid from Zinc+ORS

Diarrhoea Management: Pre Test/Post Test for Skilled Providers

Africa English

The Strength to Fight: A Guide to Treating Childhood Diarrhea

Video from Zinc+ORS

Full version of The Strength to Fight: A Guide to Treating Childhood Diarrhea, split into 6 chapters.

Africa English