Temporary Methods of Family Planning
From: Digital Green

Family planning involves the use of all techniques, practices, and medical devices that help a couple to plan their family including deciding the number of children they want to have and spacing their births as covered in this video. Some family planning methods provide protection from HIV/AIDS and STI while others only protect against unwanted pregnancy. Key temporary family planning methods include condoms, contraceptive pills, IUCD-Copper T, DMPA- contraceptive Injection, LAM, and emergency contraceptive pills. Couples should speak to their healthcare provider to decide which method is best and most appropriate for their family planning needs. The video is useful as a BCC tool for health education during mothers' group meetings (MGs) and Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHNDs) at the village level by ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activist), a village-level frontline health worker.
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Resource uploaded by Digital Green API User (May 21, 2015, 10:24 p.m.) and last updated by Digital Green API User (March 27, 2017, 7:24 a.m.)
Resource viewed 23107 times