How to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients (Korku)

From: Digital Green

How to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients (Korku)

This video describes how to make nutrient rich food with local ingredients and techniques such as cut green leafy vegetable and mix into the flour. The chapati become more nutritious, add groundnut and gram flour into the vegetables in small quantity, mix tomato or vegetables in pulses. This video also provides tips to increase nutrient content in diet such as washing vegetable before cutting, covering the vessel while cooking vegetable and do not cook too much Also mix one part soyabean in ten part of wheat before grinding. Jaggery is more nutritious than sugar and have iron content also.

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Resource uploaded by Digital Green API User (May 26, 2015, 2:52 p.m.) and last updated by Digital Green API User (March 27, 2017, 7:23 a.m.)

Resource viewed 522 times