Family Planning 101

From: Global Health eLearning Center

Family Planning 101

More than 200 million women in the developing world will enter their reproductive years during the next decade. In the future, as in the past, family planning (FP) will help save the lives of countless women and children, and will help alleviate poverty, reduce stress on the environment, and ensure that families are better able to feed, clothe, and educate their children.

This course will provide basic "need-to-know" information relevant to voluntary FP programs and services.

Course content was adapted from USAID's Global Health eLearning Center, which is managed by the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) Project, led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP).

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Resource uploaded by Lisa Mwaikambo (May 26, 2015, 7:20 p.m.) and last updated by Alex Little (March 27, 2017, 7:23 a.m.)

Resource viewed 325 times