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Importance of immunization

Video from Digital Green

It is majorly observed that mothers or parents are not aware of the immunizations that are prescribed for their child, for the pregnant mother or the adolescent girls. ASHAs and Anganwadi Workers play a major role in providing information to ...

India Odisha Odia

Dengue and its prevention

Video from Digital Green

Dengue is now alarmingly spreading in rural areas. The community members are unaware of Dengue as a disease, its symptoms and the preventive measures. As a source of information, this video guides to identify the symptoms of Dengue and how ...

India Odisha Odia

Benefits of safe drinking water

Video from Digital Green

Safe drinking water can reduce many water borne diseases. In villages, the major source of water is from hand pumps, pond, water supply and wells. The households use this water without filtering. As a result, there are high numbers of ...

India Odisha Odia

Diarrhea and its prevention

Video from Digital Green

This video emphasizes the causes of diarrhea and the preventive measures to prevent diarrhea. In rural areas, it is often seen that children and women in particular suffer from diarrhea due to unhygienic eating habits and drinking unsafe water. This ...

India Odisha Odia

Importance of eating a diverse diet

Video from Digital Green

This video is about importance of eating a diverse diet. Usually people in rural areas due to lack of resources and knowledge end up eating foods from one or two food groups. This results in not meeting the RDA (Recommended ...

India Odisha Odia

Age appropriate complementary feeding for babies 6 to 24 months

Video from Digital Green

In this video we have discussed about the quantity and diversity of complementary food to be given to the babies from 6 to 24 months. This is an important phase of the first 1000 days. The quantity of the food ...

India Odisha Odia

Introduction of complementary feeding for the baby after 6 months

Video from Digital Green

This video accentuates the importance of introducing complementary food right after completion of six months while continuing to breastfeed the baby. The initial phase of 10 to 12 days when complementary feeding is introduced is very crucial, caregivers needs to ...

India Odisha Odia

Managing exclusive breastfeeding by working mothers

Video from Digital Green

In this video we have discussed how a working mother can work and still continue to exclusively breastfeed her baby who is less than six months of age. This is an important phase of the first 1000 days. The main ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 15 mins 15 mins

Importance of exclusive breastfeeding

Video from Digital Green

In this video we have discussed about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. The second phase of the first 1000 days starts after the birth of the baby till 6 months which is 181 days. Breast milk is a complete food ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 14 mins 14 mins

Maternal workload during pregnancy

Video from Digital Green

In this video we have discussed about the importance of taking rest during the third trimester of pregnancy. Taking rest during pregnancy is an important component of the first 1000 days. If a woman is involved in strenuous work during ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 12 mins 12 mins

Maternal diet during pregnancy and food taboos

Video from Digital Green

This video is about importance of nutritious food during pregnancy and addressing the food taboos. Pregnancy is the first phase of the first 1000 days. By eating nutritious diet the mother will be healthy and also give birth to a ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 13 mins 13 mins

Importance of iron folic acid tablet

Video from Digital Green

This video is about the importance of consuming Iron Folic Acid (IFA) tablets by pregnant women and adolescent girls. This video also addresses the age old taboo associated with consuming IFA tablets by pregnant woman in the community. It also ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 9 mins 9 mins

Importance of first 1000 days

Video from Digital Green

The video is about importance of the first 1000 days which starts from pregnancy till 2 years after birth. It is the most significant phase in the life of a child as most of the physical and mental development occurs ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 10 mins 10 mins

Benefits of handwashing with soap

Video from Digital Green

This video is about the benefits of handwashing with soap. Emphasis has been given on the importance of washing hands with soap using clean and running water as it minimizes the risk of infection. There is also discussion about the ...

India Odisha Odia
Study time: 10 mins 10 mins